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Is the natural, eco-friendly Evaporative Cooling right for you?
It might be time to Invest in a new cooling system
Is it worth Repairing or Replacing your Air Conditioner?
Evaporative Cooling Vs Air Conditioning Which one should you choose? Fresh Air or Refrigerated Air As experts in climate solutions Melbourne’s Plum Heating and Cooling
Can I install an Evaporative Cooler in a 2 Storey House? Sandra & Adam’s story answers your questions Share this story… Share on facebook Share
Melbourne has a reputation for having “four seasons in one day”. It’s a phrase that highlights not just the extremities, but how quickly the weather
Vintage is the latest craze in fashion, music, and even homes. Home renovation shows are featuring the character and charm that you can only find
While we have been advising everyone to Service their Heaters and get a Carbon Monoxide Test done for a while now, residents of Victorian Public
Prevent common problems by following these tips
In the early hours of March 16, 2017, fire crews were called to a home in Spotswood. Their evaporative cooler had caught fire on the